Local Non-profit starts Short Sale Program to aid underwater homeowners in transitioning to stable, affordable housing...
Builders of Hope, Inc.

About our National Short Sale Campaign:
At Builders of Hope our main objective is to defeat the tear down, abandoned home epidemic. We seek to return communities and home owners back to safety, stability and vitality. We cater to active and retired veterans as well as civilian homeowners. The thing that sets our Short sale program apart from other contenders is that we don’t focus solely on short selling your home. We work with you to provide a seamless changeover into stable affordable housing while dealing with the difficult process of properly getting from underneath your existing mortgage. We have several affordable communities that you can move into and we have many housing partners that are waiting to assist us in providing Safe & Affordable Housing Options. We will get your home sold with minimal impact to your credit score and financial future as we work to get you re-housed. Our sister agency CESI Debt Solutions will work with you to help you understand the impact of the short sale and work with you to get back to a healthy credit score and financial plan for your family. Foreclosure can be a tough situation to face alone but you still have options! There are ways to stop foreclosure up to 10 days after the foreclosure auction sale in North Carolina. Veterans who are active duty have even more protections provided for them through SCRA (Service Members Civil Relief Act). We have a remarkable team of property experts who will assist you in determining your home’s value and providing you with options for the best transition out of your home.Have no fear! Through our strategic partnerships with housing counselors, credit counselors, servicers and Realtors we will take the unknown out of your situation and help you transition into a stable home life for you and your family. SAFE AFFORDABLE HOUSING EQUALS DIGNITY!!!
**All information you choose to share with us in the following forms, and from this point forward will be kept strictly confidential. Communication and information will be held in confidence between Builders of Hope and you; it will not be forwarded, distributed, or sold to any third parties.**
Please visit our website for more information...
Homeowners, Asset Managers, Realtors & Housing Counselors are invited to work with us on this great initiative! Please check out our site linked below!
Link to Builders of Hope, Inc. Short Sales
Builders of Hope, Inc.
310 N. Harrington St. Raleigh NC 27603
Phone: (800) 277-6138 Ext:115
Click here to email us: Stop Foreclosure Now!